Stone City Band

Funk R&B Soul Las Vegas, NV United States

About Stone City Band

Formed in 1978, by The King of Punk Funk, Rick James, the Stone City Band served as Rick's exclusive recording and touring band from the beginning and through the height of his career. ...

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  • Tom McDermott - Lead Guitar
  • Lanise Hughes - Drums
  • Nate Guido Hughes - Percussions
  • Oscar Alston - Bass
  • Levi Ruffin - Keyboard(s)
  • Danny LeMelle - Horns
  • Eddie Fluellen - Keyboards(s)
  • Mark Love Gonsalves - Lead, Background Vocals
  • JaRay Earl - Lead Vocals
  • Tanya D Graham - Lead, Background Vocals


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The Boys are Back! I`m so lucky to have grown up with this music, even more lucky to call some of these incredible musicians my friends. There is a whole generation of folks that need to hear you so keep doing it and keep the history and the funk alive! Seen Stone City Band at the Funk Festival in Anaheim. Thought they were the best group that performance hands down shoooot!! Stone City Band was Nasty even on a commercial level. At a time when the business was choosing who they wanted 2 represent certain thangs, they were undeniable. I was still single digits when they hit so I was too young 4 the concerts. But my peoples had all the LPs. The Stone City Band is the TRUTH!!!! Nearly 40 years in the game and they sound better than ever. Watch a live show, the proof is in their musicianship and sound!!!! The Best musicians on the planet who knows how to tell their life story through their musical talent & Gifts ..

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